J-std-001g space station symbol
J-std-001g space station symbol

j-std-001g space station symbol

Often used as companion documents, IPC J-STD-001G and IPC-A 610G each has a unique purpose.

j-std-001g space station symbol

Their arduous work can be seen in the G revisions of the standards.

j-std-001g space station symbol

Johnston, Raytheon Missile Systems are to be congratulated for delivering the G revisions for standards on time. Fornefeld, 元 Communications and for IPC-J-STD-001G: Daniel L. Gonzalez, ACME Training & Consulting Mary Muller, Crane Aerospace & Electronics Robert P. The dedicated committee volunteers coming from 17 countries and their chair persons for IPC-A-610G: Constantino J. IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries® has released the G revisions of the two most widely used standards in the electronic industry, IPC-J-STD-001, Requirements of Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, and IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies. These two documents are on a three-year renewal cycle, keeping pace with the ever changing technology within the electronics industry.

J-std-001g space station symbol